Rectifiers Articles

Rectifiers Articles: What is Surge Current? – Definition and Workings: Before switching on of power supply, the filter capacitor is uncharged . At the instant the power supply is switched…

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Three Phase Rectifiers

Three Phase Rectifiers: Three-Phase Half-Wave Rectifier : Figure 9.11 illustrates a circuit for a 3-phase half-wave rectifier. The three diodes are connected to the three phases of a 3-phase transformer…

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AC Voltmeter using Rectifiers

AC Voltmeter using Rectifiers: AC Voltmeter using Rectifiers - Rectifier type instruments generally use a PMMC movement along with a rectifier arrangement. Silicon diodes are preferred because of their low…

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Precision Rectifiers

Precision Rectifiers: Recall from basic circuit principles that a rectifier circuits can be implemented with a diode/diodes (half wave rectifier or full wave rectifier). The major limitations of these Precision…

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Semiconductor Physics Articles

Semiconductor Physics Articles: Elemental Semiconductor Materials: Group IV includes five elements viz., Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). The elements of this subgroup show marked…

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Power Semiconductor Devices Articles

Power Semiconductor Devices Articles: What is Thyristor? – Thyristor Family and its Applications: Thyristor is the general name given to a family of semiconductor devices having four layers with a…

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