Measurement of Power Transmission Lines

Measurement of Power Transmission Lines: When power is applied to Measurement of Power Transmission Lines, the source to load impedance must be matched in its characteristics impedance (Z0). The impedance…

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Introduction to Power Transmission Line

Introduction to Power Transmission Line: Introduction to Power Transmission Line deals primarily with the characteristics and performance of transmission lines. A problem of major importance in power systems is the…

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Power Flow through Transmission Line

Power Flow through Transmission Line: So far the transmission line performance equation was presented in the form of voltage and current relationships between sending-and receiving-ends. Since loads are more often…

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Tuned Power Lines in Transmission

Tuned Power Lines in Transmission: Equation (5.23) characterizes the performance of a Tuned Power Lines in long Transmission line. For an overhead line shunt conductance G is always negligible and…

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Why we need for Power System Protection?

Why we need for Power System Protection? Need for power system protection are growing fast with more generators, transformers and large network in the systems. For system operation a high…

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Types of Power Transmission Drives

Types of Power Transmission Drives: Mechanical power available at the motor shaft has to be transmitted to the driven machine or machines. Various types of power transmission drives are namely,…

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Operations of Traction Power Controller (TPC)

Operations of Traction Power Controller (TPC): It is provided to have a comprehensive picture of supply conditions and arrangement to operate switchgear with minimum delay so that continuity of electric…

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