Phase Margin Optimum

Phase Margin Optimum: The method can be based on the phase margin in which the controller is designed to provide a minimum phase margin. The design makes use of Bode…

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Phase Comparator Circuit

Phase Comparator Circuit: Phase Comparator Circuit technique is the most widely used for all practical directional, distance, differential and carrier relays. If the two input signals are S1 and S2…

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Specification from Bode Plot

Specification from Bode Plot: The important Specification from Bode Plot are, Gain cross-over frequency (ωgc) Phase cross-over frequency (ωpc) Gain margin (G.M.) Phase margin (P.M.) Gain Cross-over Frequency (ωgc): The…

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Load Capacitance Effect

Load Capacitance Effect: Capacitance connected at the output of an operational amplifier is termed Load Capacitance Effect (CL). Figure 15-20 shows that CL is in series with the op-amp output resistance…

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