Three Phase Rectifiers

Three Phase Rectifiers: Three-Phase Half-Wave Rectifier : Figure 9.11 illustrates a circuit for a 3-phase half-wave rectifier. The three diodes are connected to the three phases of a 3-phase transformer…

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Converters for Electric Motors Articles

Converters for Electric Motors Articles: Electric Converter: The speed of a dc motor can be varied by varying the armature voltage or the field current, for which a variable dc…

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Three Phase Drives

Three Phase Drives: Single phase drives discussed in the previous section are employed for low and medium powers. When the power of the drive is very large the three-phase converter…

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Twelve pulse converter

Twelve pulse converter: It is clear from the preceding discussion that increasing the pulse number to six greatly improves the performance of the converter. The ac line current has only…

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Electric Drives Articles

Electric Drives Articles: This Electric Drives Articles which includes the following topics: A Simple Electric Motor Characteristics of DC Motor Speed Torque Characteristic of Separately Excited DC Motor Speed Torque…

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Overcurrent Earth Fault Protection

Overcurrent Earth Fault Protection: Overcurrent Earth Fault Protection - Earth-fault protection can be provided with normal overcurrent relays, if the minimum earth-fault current is sufficient in magnitude. The magnitude of…

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Symmetrical Components Articles

Symmetrical Components Articles: Symmetrical Component Transformation: Symmetrical Component Transformation is given by a  set of three balanced voltages (phasors) Va,Vb,Vc is characterized by equal magnitudes and interphase differences of 120°.…

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