Arc Lamp -Definition, Working Principle and Types
Arc Lamp -Definition, Working Principle and Types: In an arc lamp electric current is made to flow through two electrodes in contact with each other which are drawn apart. The…
Arc Lamp -Definition, Working Principle and Types: In an arc lamp electric current is made to flow through two electrodes in contact with each other which are drawn apart. The…
Neon Lamp - Construction, Working, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications: Neon lamp is a cold cathode lamp and consists of a glass bulb filled with neon gas with a small percentage…
Sodium Vapour Lamp - Construction, Working and Wiring Diagram: Principally the sodium vapour discharge lamp consists of a bulb containing a small amount of metallic sodium, neon gas, and two…
Incandescent Lamp - Construction, Working and Advantages: For sometimes the arc lamps were used for general lighting purpose but as the carbon-arc lamps were complicated so these have been superseded…
Electrical Power Engineering Articles: This Electrical Power Engineering Articles which includes the following topics: Â Refrigeration Cycle Diagram Explain Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Explain Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System Thermoelectric Refrigeration…
Electrical Power Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) Part 8: 352. The luminous efficiency of a sodium vapour lamp is ............ lumens per watt. (a) 40-50 (b) 50-100 (c)…
Electrical Power Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) Part 7: 302. Sky appears blue due to (a) radiation. (b) reflection. (c) refraction. (d) scattering of light over dust particles.…
Power Factor Improvement Articles: Power Factor: The electrical energy is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of alternating current. Therefore, the question of power factor immediately comes…