Instrumentation Amplifier or Data Amplifier

Instrumentation Amplifier or Data Amplifier: Instrumentation Amplifier - Many industrial systems, consumer systems and process control systems require a precise measurement of the physical quantities like temperature, pressure, humidity, weight…

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Astable Multivibrator Definition and its Working

Astable Multivibrator Definition and its Working: The multivibrator circuit which has no stable state is called the astable multivibrator. The two states of operation of astable multivibrators are quasi-stable (temporary)…

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AC Analysis of BJT Circuits Articles

AC Analysis of BJT Circuits Articles: Coupling and Bypassing Capacitors: Coupling Capacitors – To use a transistor circuit to amplify or otherwise process an ac signal, the signal source must…

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Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage

Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage: The basic circuit of a Class-AB amplifier using a complementary emitter follower output stage and a Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage load is…

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Electronic Devices and Circuits Articles

Electronic Devices and Circuits Articles: This Electronic Devices and Circuits Articles which includes the following topics: Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices Conduction in Solids Conductor Semiconductor and Insulator P…

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Transistor Biasing and Stabilization Articles

Transistor Biasing and Stabilization Articles: Selection of Operating Point in Transistor Biasing: To study the selection of operating point in Transistor biasing conditions on the performance of a transistor, it…

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BJT Transistor Articles

BJT Transistor Articles: Transistor Construction: The transistor construction consists of a silicon or germanium (preferably silicon because of its smaller cutoff current ICBO, smaller variations in ICBO due to variations…

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