Gauss Seidel Method

Gauss Seidel Method: The Gauss Seidel Method (GS) is an iterative algorithm for solving a set of non-linear algebraic equations. To start with, a solution vector is assumed, based on…

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One Line Diagram of the 4 Bus System

One Line Diagram of the 4 Bus System: A power system comprises several buses which are interconnected by means of transmission lines. Power is injected into a bus from generators,…

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Introduction to Power Transmission Line

Introduction to Power Transmission Line: Introduction to Power Transmission Line deals primarily with the characteristics and performance of transmission lines. A problem of major importance in power systems is the…

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Uses of Computer and Microprocessor

Uses of Computer and Microprocessor: Uses of Computer and Microprocessor - The first methods for solving various power system problems were AC and DC network analyzers developed in early 1930s.…

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Wien Bridge Oscillator using Op Amp

Wien Bridge Oscillator using Op Amp: This is also RC oscillator which uses RC type of feedback network. The main difference between phase shift and Wien bridge oscillator is that…

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