Testing of Circuit Breakers Articles:

Circuit Breaker Analyzer : Short Circuit Generator: This is of a special design having very low reactance in order to give the maximum short-circuit output of the Circuit Breaker Analyzer. The leakage reactance is reduced by reducing the depth of slots and the length of coil ends. The terminals are brought to a board where different connections can be made. Each wind­ing in a phase is divided in two halves …

Circuit Breaker Tester Classification : Circuit Breaker Tester can be classified into two main groups, viz. (i) type tests and (ii) routine tests. Type Tests: These are performed solely for the purpose of proving the correctness of general design and the results of such tests conducted on a randomly selected breaker, are applicable to all others of identical construction. Under this class fall mostly the short-circuit tests, which again can be performed either …

Circuit Breaker Testing Procedure : A preliminary check up of various equipment is made before the actual Circuit Breaker Testing Procedure commences. The correct values of resistance and reactance coils are inserted as per the magnitude of the short-circuit current. Proper settings of transformers are made. The measuring circuits are connected and oscillograph loops are calibrated. The succession of operations carried out during the test, is governed by the drum. To …

Direct Testing of Circuit Breaker : The Direct Testing of Circuit Breaker in a plant enables us to test under conditions largely representing those in actual network as well as tests of greater severity. The circuit breaker to be tested is subjected to the value of transient restriking voltage to which it is expected to be put in practice rather than testing it under most severe conditions. Value of the …

Indirect Testing of Circuit Breaker : With the increase in the breaking capacity of the HV circuit breakers, it has become uneconomical and unpracticable to increase the short-circuit capacity of testing station. It is consequently necessary to utilize some form of Indirect Testing of Circuit Breaker. The important methods of Indirect Testing of Circuit Breaker are: Unit Testing of Circuit Breaker. Synthetic Testing of Circuit Breakers. Unit Testing of Circuit Breaker: It is a common …

Simple Testing Station : In these Testing Station the short-circuit power is supplied by specially designed short-circuit generators, driven by induction motors. A simplified diagram of such a testing station is shown in Fig. (18.1). The magnitude of the test voltage and the short-circuit current can be selected within wide limits by adjusting generator excitation and connection of the transformers. Further limitation and variation of current independent of voltage can be …