Automatic Switch Circuit Breaker

Automatic Switch Circuit Breaker: The Automatic Switch Circuit Breaker is the simplest circuit interruption device is the knife switch. By closing the switch against the action of a spring we…

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Fully Automatic Digital Instrument

Fully Automatic Digital Instrument: Fully Automatic Digital Instrument - A multimeter with automatic polarity indication, automatic zero correction and automatic ranging (of course coupled with automatic decimal point indication) only…

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Switching Systems in Digital Communication

Switching Systems in Digital Communication: If only two sites are to be connected, switching is not required. The two facilities are interconnected on a point-to-point basis. However, switching is likely…

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Automatic Frequency Control Block Diagram

Automatic Frequency Control Block Diagram: Automatic frequency control: As previously we see, the heart of an AFC circuit is a frequency-sensitive device, such as the phase discriminator, which produces a…

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Delayed Automatic Gain Control

Delayed Automatic Gain Control: Delayed Automatic Gain Control: Simple AGC is clearly an improvement on no AGC at all, in that the gain of the receiver is reduced for strong…

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Switchgear Equipments

Switchgear Equipments: Switchgear covers a wide range of equipment concerned with switching and interrupting currents under both normal and abnormal conditions. It includes switches; fuses, circuit breakers, relays and other…

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