Auto Reclosing Circuit Breaker Articles:

Auto Reclosing Scheme : It is well realized that the transient faults which are most frequent in occurrence do no permanent damage to the system as they are transitory in nature. These faults disappear if the line is disconnected from the system momentarily in order to allow the are to extinguish. After The arc path has become sufficiently deionized, the line can be reclosed to restore normal service. The type of fault could be a flashover across an insulator. Reclosing could also achieve the same thing with semi-permanent faults but with a delayed action, e.g. a small tree branch falling on the line, in which case the cause of the fault would not be removed by the immediate tripping of the circuit breaker. Auto Reclosing Circuit Breaker …

Three Phase Auto Recloser vs Single Phase Auto Recloser : Three Phase Auto Recloser is one in which the three phases of the trans­mission line are opened after fault incidence, independent of the fault type, and are reclosed after a predetermined time period following the initial circuit breaker opening. For a single circuit interconnectors between two power systems, the opening of all the three phases of the circuit breaker makes the generators in each group start to drift apart in relation to each other, since no interchange of synchronizing power can take place. On the other hand Single Phase Auto Reclose is one in which only the faulted phase is opened in the presence of a single-phase fault and reelosed after a controlled delay period. For multiphase faults, all three phases are opened …

Types of Auto Reclosing : Types of Auto Reclosing Circuit Breaker can be broadly classified in two categories: Medium voltage auto-reclose where continuity of supply is the principal aim. High voltage auto-reclose where the main considerations are of stability and synchronizing. Medium Voltage Auto-Reclose: The obvious advantages are continuous supply except for short duration when tripping and reclosure operations are being performed, this renders the substation unattended. The success of rapid reclosure to a large extent depends on the speed of operation of the protections. This is so because high speed protection decreases the amount of damage incurred and thus increases the probability of successful operation of reclosing, consequently it renders the system less vulnerable to any fault which may occur later. In some cases application of automatic reclosing enables us to use very simp le but high speed …