Taut Band Instrument

Taut Band Instrument: The Taut Band Instrument utilizes the same principle as the D'Arsonval movable coil and fixed magnet. The primary difference between the two is the method of mounting…

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Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Electronic Instrumentation Articles: This Electronic Instrumentation Articles which includes the following topics: Introduction to Electronics Instrumentation Static Characteristics of Measuring Instruments Errors in Measurement Types of Static Error and Sources…

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Indicators and Display Devices Articles

Indicators and Display Devices Articles: Different Types of Ammeters and Voltmeters: The following are the different types of ammeters and voltmeters in measuring instruments are PMMC Moving Iron Electrodynamometer Hot…

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Modern Radar Systems Analysis

Modern Radar Systems Analysis: Modern Radar System are of great importance for both military and civil applications. The main problem of a typical radar system is the detection of return…

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Types of Filters in Electronics

Types of Filters in Electronics: Types of filters in electronics may be of any physical form—electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, hy­draulic, acoustical, etc. The most commonly used filters are of the electrical…

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