Inrush Currents in Transformer
Inrush Currents in Transformer: Magnetizing Inrush Currents in Transformer contain pronounced harmonics but the current during internal fault conditions is sinusoidal. Advantage is taken of this fact in the design…
Inrush Currents in Transformer: Magnetizing Inrush Currents in Transformer contain pronounced harmonics but the current during internal fault conditions is sinusoidal. Advantage is taken of this fact in the design…
Harmonic Restraint Differential Relay for Transformer Protection: The operation of the relays because of magnetising inrush current can be avoided by using kick fuses across the relay coils or using…
Static Differential Relay Block Diagram and Working Principle: The differential relay measures the phasor difference between two similar electrical quantities (voltage-voltage or current-current). The rectifier bridge amplitude comparator is the…
Incandescent Lamp - Construction, Working and Advantages: For sometimes the arc lamps were used for general lighting purpose but as the carbon-arc lamps were complicated so these have been superseded…
Transformer Protection Interview Questions and Answers: 1. What are the faults that are likely to occur in a power transformer ? Ans. The faults likely to occur in a power…
Apparatus Protection in Power System Articles: Transformer Protection Types: Nature of Transformer Faults: Power transformers, being static, totally enclosed and oil immersed develop faults only rarely but the consequences of…
Percentage Biased Differential Relay: Percentage Biased Differential Relay - In order to avoid undesirable operation on heavy external faults due to CT errors and ratio change as a result of…
Differential Protection of Transformers: Differential Protection of Transformers is the most important type of protection used for internal phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth faults and is generally applied to transformers having ratings…