RC Driving Point Impedance function

RC Driving Point Impedance function: As the name indicates, the RC networks consist of only R and C components. There is no inductor in RC networks. The RC Driving Point…

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Operation of Oscillator Circuit

Operation of Oscillator Circuit: The use of positive feedback that results in a feedback amplifier having closed-loop gain |Af| exceeding unity and satisfies the phase conditions results in operation as…

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RL Driving Point Impedance

RL Driving Point Impedance: The RL networks consist of only R and L components. There is no capacitor present in such networks. The RL Driving Point Impedance of such networks…

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Driving Point Immittance Function

Driving Point Immittance Function: The immitance function must be positive real function so that its synthesis can be done to obtain an electrical network, using passive elements. We have discussed…

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Driving Point Function

Driving Point Function and Transfer Function: For a given network, the ratio of Laplace transform of the source voltage and source current is called driving point function. If it is…

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Indirect Testing of Circuit Breaker

Indirect Testing of Circuit Breaker: With the increase in the breaking capacity of the HV circuit breakers, it has become uneconomical and unpracticable to increase the short-circuit capacity of testing…

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